Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Chapter 33
Happy Birthday to Me Happy Birthday to Me Happy Birthday Dear Melinda HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Today is my 33rd birthday. I am not anywhere close to where I thought I would be in my life at this point. Last week Boyfriend put it to me this way... "Think about reading a book that you love. There has been some twists and turns...some good and some bad. Then you turn the page and start chapter 33. You don't know what is going to happen, but you get the feeling that it is going to be the best one yet." |
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Birthday Cake
Tomorrow is my birthday. I am going to be 33 and figured I deserve some cake for making it this far. So I woke up early and baked a Red Velvet cake. I make it from a recipe of my mom's that she has had about as long as I have been alive. Hands down this is my favorite cake. It gets its name from obviously the deep red color...but also if you bake it correctly its velvety texture. If you bake it too long it gets very dry and crumbly...not good. Plus it matters more what it tastes like rather than what it looks like. After tasting this cake I have had several people ask for the recipe. I don't like to give it out...but if you badger me enough I will write it down for you, sans the 2 ingredients that makes this Red Velvet cake different from any other. Yeah I am one of those people. Just ask and I will make you a cake. |
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sleepless about Seattle
I have such mixed emotions about leaving Colorado. I am excited and scared to death at the same time. When I think about leaving I think about all the things I have managed to not do in my 30 years of living here. I have never been to the Great Sand Dunes or Mesa Verde, I have never skied at Crested Butte. The list could go on forever. I guess not having done these things gives me incentive to come back to Colorado.
Boyfriend is going to be heading up ahead of me. He will be moving all of our belongings the week of thanks giving. I will then follow with the few things I have left here sometime between Christmas and New Years. I have furniture and belongings spread between my ex husband's house, Boyfriend's house and the house I am in now. The idea of consolidating all of these things into one place seems so daunting.
I have slowing started to tell friends that we will be leaving. Most are excited for us, happy to know that they now have a place to crash when they come up. Others have told me flat out that I can not leave. I have built up a really good group of friends over the last 2 years and I am going to miss them them dearly. But I also know that we will all kept in touch and visit whenever we can.
There are going to great strains on the relationship as we adjust to life in a new city and living together for the first time. We are both looking at it as it will only strengthen what we already have. Boyfriend and I both have so many demons here in Colorado. We are both looking at this move as a way of starting fresh.I need to keep in mind that this move is going to be a positive thing. I can so easily get caught in a web of what ifs.
I was looking for a project of sorts and I guess this is it. I am being given a second chance here to do all the things I have wanted to do but have been either too lazy or scared. There is nothing like being given a two handed Elaine shove out of your comfort zone to make you change your life.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Pancake Blaster
Good News?
As I mentioned here about a month ago, We have been waiting to find out if Boyfriend got a job up in Seattle. He gave me the news today...via email
Me: Due to stress and the office move I no longer have any fingernails left
Boyfriend: okay, you should not chew on your fingernails....chew on some gum....
Me: There are a lot of things I do that chewing gum won't cure.
Boyfriend: Hmmmm... Good thing that I don't stress to keep you balanced somewhat... imagine if we both stressed out all the time????
Me: I was not always like this...
Boyfriend: yea, we're going to have to break you out of that mold... before you start eating your fingers...
Me: Well...if people would stop giving me things to worry about.
Boyfriend: i can understand that. December 1.
Me: What is December 1?
Boyfriend: when my first day will probably be in Seattle.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dinner with Friends
Boyfriend is going to be away on my birthday weekend so he suggested that we go out for dinner last night. He had decided that he wanted to take me to my favorite sushi restaurant. He had wanted it to be a surprise, but having only been there with me once he could not remember the name of it and where is was located exactly. After asking many of our friends he had to break down and ask me. We very rarely go out on "date nights" so I was happy to have a reason to wear heals and lipstick. Boyfriend was able to keep one thing a surprise though and had a few of our closest friends meet us there. I have an uncanny way of finding out about surprises and had even asked him earlier in the day if it was just going to be the two of us, so it was a very pleasant surprise to see them all there. It was a good evening of sushi, drinks and friends. Boyfriend was very sweet to set the whole thing up. After dinner Boyfriend and I went home, had a few more drinks and ended up dancing around the living room to 80's music in our underwear. It was the perfect way to end the night. |
Musical Taste
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Project?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My First Broncos Game
A few weeks ago Boyfriend's friend Kelly offered him her Bronco's tickets. Boyfriend asked if I wanted to go and I jumped at the chance. I had never been to a football game. Now I am not just talking an NFL game, I had never been to any sort of football game. When you tell people this they look at you like you have been living under a rock. How can one be a Bronco fan, live in Colorado for 30 years and never have been to a game?!?!? Needless to say I was very excited! In Colorado we had been having unseasonably warm weather. The last three weekends had been in the high 70's to low 80's. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon...in the sun watching football. That whole week the weather was great. Come Friday the temps had dropped about 30 degrees, a bit chilly, but still sunny. Saturday we woke to rain and a high of 38 degrees. I was starting to worry about what it would be like the next day. On Sunday we woke to gray skies, again highs would be in the 30's, but it was not raining. So we threw on the winter coats, gloves, hats and at the last second tossed a blanket in the backpack. We rode the lightrail down because we were too cheap to pay $30 to park, plus we did not want to deal with traffic. It was about a 25 minute ride to the stadium and the closer we got the more my excitement built. It was a cool feeling walking into Invesco Field at Mile High for the first time. You could feel the excitement coming off of the fans. We got there a little bit earlier so that we could walk around a bit, get a few beers and get to our seats so we could watch the teams warm up. Pretty much the same MO we have for Baseball games. The seats we had were on the 48 yard line...sounds great huh? Only down side was that they were in the 2nd to last row from the very top. The seating on the upper level go straight up at a pretty steep incline. You feel as if you are about a mile high (get it mile high...) and that if you lean too far forward that you will pitch straight down. Now I know it sounds like I am complaining...but I am not. The seats were actually great. What you are seeing in the pictures is how the people on the field actually looked. If you have ever been to Invesco field you know it is the loudest place on earth. When the team took the field only about half the seats were filled, but the roar of the crowd made it sound like it full. Once everyone is in their seats the roar is almost deafening. But it is what you expect...the stadium was built to be the loudest in the NFL. Then there is the sound of "Rocky Mountain Thunder", this being the sound of 74, 000 fans pounding their feet on the steel floors every time the opposing teams offence begins a play. It was cold as hell and there was an icy, wet mist spitting from the sky, but we did not care. So how did the Broncos play? They sucked! They started out strong, but you can not expect to win a game when you keep turning the ball over. So they didn't win, but we still had a great time. I really have to thank Boyfriend for treating me to my first football experience. |
Monday, October 13, 2008
art by Jay Vollmar www.jayvollmar.com Once you figure out what is going on it is really easy to get caught up in the action. There was a diverse mix of people there and the crowd really gets into it. I found that by the end I was kind of wanting to join a roller derby team. I mean I can roller skate and I have a bunch of pent up aggression...what could be a better outlet. Plus I already own some of the necessary equipment. |
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Love Notes
I have a bit of a thing for greeting cards. I have a drawer in my desk that is full of them. Birthday, Mother/Fathers Day, wedding, new baby, Valentines Day, thank you, etc, etc, etc. You name the occasion and chances are I have a card for it. They run from your plain old greeting card to cards that could be framed and displayed as art. I was going through this drawer the other day looking for a birthday card when I noticed there were no fewer that 10 romantic type cards. Some are sweet and some are naughty, all were purchased with the intent of giving them to Boyfriend. Instead of jotting a quick note and signing them "Love, Melinda", I instead throw them into the drawer amongst the Happy Birthdays and Congratulations. I am not sure why I don't give these cards to Boyfriend. I am a sappy romantic that holds on to cards and mementos of the things we have done together. Boyfriend is not romantic and I think I am afraid to give him a card that has how I feel spelled out. Maybe I am afraid that these expressed emotions would end up being thrown out. I am not sure if that says more about me than it does about him. |
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday night is football night
This is the 152nd picture I took of Boyfriend while he was trying to watch Sunday night football in the dark. I am not so sure that he was all that much into me blinding him in 10 second intervals. |