There is a little boy that lives across the way from us named Antonio. Fiancé has taken to calling him Scooter Dude because every time we see him he is zipping around on one of those razor scooters. Whenever I see him outside I will wave or say hi and in return he ignores me. Now when he sees Fiancé, well that is a different story. Antonio will wave back or give Fiancé that head nod that says “hey what’s up”. They also have this little call and answer whistle game they play (it is cute and annoying all at the came time). I don’t get why this kid will not give me the time of day. When I pointed out the difference in which Antonio responds to us Fiancé says it is because he and Antonio are both Latino and Latinos stick together. Whatever. So the other day I went out to run some errands. Antonio is outside playing with a couple of his little friends and when he sees me walking to my truck he gets all excited and I hear him say “Hey guys you might get to meet my friend I was telling you about”. I smile because I know he is talking about Fiancé. One of his friends asks where he is and Antonio says “I dunno he is usually with that lady” to which the friend asks “ is that your friend’s mom?” Uhhhhhh…WHAT?!?! I know they are a bunch of six year olds but I could not help but be offended that they thought I was old enough to be Fiancé’s mom. I mean I am a year and a half younger than he is. So I sat there for a second feeling sorry for myself because a couple of little kids basically just called me old. Then I come to the realization that his little friends probably have no idea that Fiancé is an adult. I bet they think that he is Antonio’s age and it is not so far a stretch for me to be the mom of a six year old…or at least that is what I am telling myself. |
Bran muffins
1 week ago