This past January me, Boyfriend and my friend Tracy started meeting at Red Rocks on Saturday mornings to run the stairs. Back in January there would about 10 of us out there dragging out frozen asses up and down the ice covered stairs in subzero temps and blowing snow. As the weather warmed the number of people increased. Now on an average Saturday you are working out with over 100 people. Through out all types of weather Tracy and I rely on Boyfriend to push us beyond our limits. As he says..."Pain is just weakness leaving the body". Due to certain obligations Boyfriend is not always there to yell at us to do more push ups, crunches, lunges and squats after running the equivalent of 200 flights of stairs. On these weekends Tracy and I will sometimes stop at the Morrison Inn for margaritas, thus negating all the hard work we just put in on the stairs. This past Saturday as we stroll out on to the patio, still a bit sweaty from our work out, we notice that there are about 10 other stair regulars there as well. We take our seats and order our margaritas. We opt for the 12 oz rather than the 32 oz that the others are drinking. We all sit and look at each other guiltily over the salt covered rims of our glasses...but must reward ones self for a job well done. |
Bran muffins
1 week ago
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