Thursday, September 25, 2008

Waiting is the hardest part

A few weeks ago I eluded to some change on the horizon. It all had to do with the job that Boyfriend may or may not get up in Seattle. I know I said that that was no longer a possibility, but then it became a possibility again. The situation has been handled horribly. I won't go into detail, I will just say that is has been a nightmare.

So for the last 3 weeks we have been waiting to hear if he will get it. 3 weeks...sounds like a long time to wait for a answer huh? That's because it is and we have no idea when a final answer may come. So with the stress of this and my job, and all the things that are up in the air right now I feel like I am at a breaking point. I just need to know one way or the other.

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