Today is the 14th day I have lived in Washington with Boyfriend. With the exception of going downtown last weekend, it has been a rather uneventful 2 weeks. I miss Colorado, my friends, and dare I say it...a job to go to everyday. Mostly I miss having a sense of in an actual direction sense...not in a life, career, relationship sense. I miss having those mountains to the west. If they are on your right you know you are heading south, to your left north, and in the rear view mirror east. Here the only real landmark is Mount Rainier...and that only helps if you actually know what direction Mount Rainer is and if it is not hidden in the clouds. It also does not help that the roads not laid out in a nice grid system like they are in Denver. You can drive 3 miles on on the same road and it will change names five times. If it was not for my GPS system I am not sure that I would ever get anywhere. Even with it I still feel like I am driving in can you make four left turns and not end up going on a circle? It is like NASCAR sans the go fast part. People do not go fast here and are actually quite happy going 5-10 mph under the speed limit. And did I mention that it does not mater how many turns you make you always seem to be heading in the same direction? In the end no matter how slow I go and no matter how many left turns I make I always manage to end up where I am supposed to be. Anyway it is a 3 day weekend so Boyfriend does not have to work tomorrow. I am going to blow off work and we are going to drive up to Bellevue for pancakes. YEAH PANCAKES!!! |
Bran muffins
1 week ago
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