Sunday, December 28, 2008

5 meaningless sentances

I still don't think the fact that I am moving half way across the country in 5 days has fully sunk in. When asked if i am excited about the move I just shrug my shoulders and make this face that expresses excitement and sheer terror. I am totally game for this move...I just can't seem to get my mind around it. I can't get my mind around anything. Complete thoughts are totally escaping me. If you want to have a conversation that makes no sense and goes nowhere...well then I am your girl.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

All you have to do is believe...

DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so'. Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?


VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.

You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

11 days and counting...

So because I am lazy I have so much still to do before I leave on January second. This week is going to suck.

I am taking my truck in to have the clutch looked at tomorrow morning. The throw-out bearing has been whining for months. So instead of getting it taken care of months ago I waited until the week of Christmas. I don't know what I am going to do with out a vehicle this week. (stupid on my part...but still sucks)

I still have to pack up the little that I still have here but laziness is too crippling right now. (again stupid and sucky)

I am supposed to meet Liza for drinks tomorrow. (that does not suck)

I only have to work three days this and next week which is good...but it is also the end of month/ the short weeks makes what I have to get done by the end of the year impossible. (that sucks)

Boyfriend is coming home on Christmas day. (WOOHOO)

I have yet to buy even on Christmas present. (Major Suck)

I am pretty much not in the mood for Christmas at all this year. I just want these holidays and the next 11 days to go by as quickly as possible. This move has been drawn out to long and I am just ready to get up to Seattle and get the ball rolling there.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I have been sick for going on two weeks now. I am tired of it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

McRib is BACK!

4 (yes 4) text conversations I have had about the McRib (yes really) in the last 12 hours...

With Jenn...
all I’ve been thinking of lately is the mcrib from mcdonalds so I won’t be much help trying to find something good.

Me: Is the mcrib back?

Jenn: Yes. Yes it is. Bain of my existence. I love them with their fake rib shaped meat and sauce. What is wrong with me?

Me: nothing…I thought is did not come back until stock show

Jenn: They brought is back early

Me: WooHoo!

With Mike...
Me: mcrib is back

Mike: Oh Hell Yeah! I know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow

Me: LOL…Jenn is all excited about it too

Mike: Love the f’ing mcrib!!!

With Dan...
dan: oh boy you poor thing

me: yes...feel sorry for me

dan: did you remember to bring your flask?

me: NO

me: but McRib is I have that to be happy about

dan: at Mc Donalds?

me: yes

dan: That is pretty much the coolest thing ever

And Mike Again...
I had a McRib for lunch

Mike: damn it! i forgot and have been on calls all day

Me: well there is always dinner

Mike: well i had yucky tuna fish for lunch...not a yummy mcrib

Me: well there is plenty of time for you to enjoy the porky, saucy, oniony, pickley goodness that is the McRib


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Two of what I think are the coolest patterns found on animals. I would have also included a leopard...but that lazy cat was hiding inside.

So this monkey says to me...

Drove down to Colorado Springs on Friday night because Boyfriend was there doing things that I can't talk about (all legal). Pretty much had the day to myself yesterday so I decided to go to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Going to the Zoo by yourself is no fun and people look at you like you are creepy. I still managed to have a good time even though it was cold and windy as hell. I took a bunch of pictures that I will be posting over the next couple of days. Every time I would walk by this little guy I would say "Hey" and he would always reply "Who". These are my favorite shots from the day...he really knew how to work the light...

Friday, December 12, 2008

an IM conversation with my X while hopped up on cold medicine

Mike: how's the sinus infection?

Melinda: I am thinking that I may have the flu instead, I am have symptoms not associated with a sinus infection

Mike: lol you don't know what you have unless the TV tells you...hypochondriac!

Melinda: lol…yeah

Melinda: I have been really nauseaous

Melinda: UI have no appetite...

Mike: ooo, that'll be fun for Boyfriend

Melinda: so I don't know if I am nauspous from not eating or if I am just nauseous

Mike: gotcha

Melinda: or maybe i a nauseous from my bad typing skills

Mike: well that is why i am not feeling so hot

Melinda: beacuse of my bad typing skills

Mike: yeah

Melinda: nice

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On the Verge

Ever have one of those days where going on a smacking rampage sounds like the best idea in the world? would be one of those days!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I had Jenn come over to take some photos of Boyfriend and I before we head north. We had a fun time mostly because I am such a spaz...I tend to make a certain face that only I think is hilarious. She said next time she shoots me she is going to take me run 3 miles to calm me down first. Here are a few of my favorites...

this would be the face...

I am going to miss having Jenn as my on call photographer...well mostly I am just going to miss Jenn. She shoots just about anything or anyone. If you are in need of a photographer I highly recommend you give her a call. 303-949-8436 ~

Westward Bound Part I

Boyfriend started the drive to Seattle at 6 am this morning. He starts his new job on Wednesday. It is weird to think that he no longer lives in Colorado. I know that I will be up there in 3 weeks and that I will see him this weekend and he will be back here for Christmas...but still I miss him.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

...Two Turtledoves

These were given to me by my dear friend Abby. She was wanting to get us a small going away gift and said she thought of us when she found these silver mercury glass turtledoves. I love the antique look of them, they could not be more perfect.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a sneak peak

Here a sneak peak my horoscope for 2009. Not only am I going to be rich...I am going to be popular too! That really puts my mind at ease about moving to a city where I know no one and will be unemployed. Awe Yeah...2009 is going to be bitchen'...

2009 Scorpio Horoscope
Two Sides of the Same Coin

In 2009, be prepared for surprises, the likes of which you've never seen before. Each surprise will be like the proverbial two-sided coin. You'll be doing a lot of work in seclusion, but you'll do it so well that everyone will know about it. You'll make more money than you have in a long time, but you won't be able to think of anything you want to spend it on. You just might find your dream home, but you'll be either too busy or too tired to enjoy it. And in spite of the fact that you'll be playing the role of the solitary workaholic, you'll receive more social invitations than you ever dreamed of.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let it snow

It snowed again last night. There is something so peaceful about waking up to a fresh blanket of fluffy white snow. Everything seems quieter, softer and crisp.

As much as I am not a huge fan of snow...I think I am going to miss it. Not the everyday snow like we have gotten the last two nights. I am going to miss the blizzards that we get every couple of years, the ones that shut the town down and you stay inside and watch movies all day. Now I know it snows on occasion in Seattle, but is has nothing on the snow we get here in Denver.

Friday, November 28, 2008

My stuff is gone

I had a bit of a freak out about the move this week...well maybe it was more of a full blown panic attack. I was this close to pulling the plug on my moving to Seattle with Boyfriend. While talking me down Jenn made the point that I have this nasty habit of sabotaging a situation when I get scared. It is easy for me to say I am going to do something, but is quite another when I actually have to put my money where my mouth is. It still has not hit me that one month from today I will be moving away from everything I know. Boyfriend left for Seattle with all of our stuff this morning. I guess this is something I am really going through with. It is not like I could back out would be too much of a pain in the ass to get all my stuff back.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Stupid Girl

I did something incredibly stupid today…I am talking really stupid. It is not something that I have done before and I am not sure why I did it today. I am not going to go into details about what I did because I don’t think I could handle the collective groan of disprovable that would surely escape readers. I guess the only reason I am writing about it at all is to in a way purge my soul of the act of stupidity. Somehow being extremely vague about it on the internet has made me feel better.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A letter of recommendation

Over the course of the four years I worked for my former boss Brian our relationship developed into more than just an employer / employee relationship. We became friends and he and his wife Robin welcomed me into their family. So when I asked Brian to write me a a letter of recommendation to help in my job search in Seattle I knew he would come through for me. And let me tell you he knocked it out of the park...

To whom it may concern:

Melinda worked for me on and off for a long time. She sort of quits a lot, but sometimes she does come back. Then sometimes she gets a job and will move shortly thereafter and quit. Other than that she definitely is scared of clowns. I would certainly recommend Melinda. Sometimes she has a positive personality and she is a good dancer. She is also tops when it comes to making birthday and greeting cards. It should be noted that Melinda has a pretty big cans as well!


Brian X
Company Where I Used to Work

Thursday, November 13, 2008

In the Meantime

I have a couple of go to songs that I latch on to when feeling out of sorts. This one is in heavy rotation right now. I don't know what it is but something about it makes me feel all floaty...I like feeling floaty.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

They know best...

I have several people in my life who have taken it upon themselves to remind me constantly that they think that me moving out to Seattle with Boyfriend without a ring on my finger is a mistake. That I need to be protecting myself with some kind of guarantee. I had a ring on my finger once before...that was a guarantee right? Riiiiigggggghhhhhhhtttt.

My mom commented to me last night that I was making a commitment to a man who was not making a commitment to me. After the day I had and after all the unsolicited advice I had gotten I just about lost my shit hearing those words. For fucks sake...I know I am taking a risk here. I don't need to be constantly reminded of it. I understand where all the advice givers are coming from don't get me wrong. It is pretty sad that the only person to be 100% behind me on this being a good move is my ex husband.

Would it be smarter for me to not move out there until I found a job, had my own place and was able to support myself? Well...yes it would be. I know as a smart woman that those are ducks that I should have in a row. But on the other hand is there not something to be said for walking up to the edge and throwing yourself off having the faith that everything will work out okay? I have to say that there is because in the end there are no guarantees.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Less than 3 weeks from now

So I should be packing and carting things over to Boyfriend's house. I have my personal effects spread among 3 households. Somethings are at Boyfriend's, most things are in my ex husband's basement and my clothes and books are were I am living now. I am sure that Boyfriend has no idea just how much stuff I really have. The thought of getting everything I own into one place seems like an overwhelming task. I need to get my rear in gear though as Boyfriend is going to be moving all of our crap up north in 3 weeks. It turns out I am too lazy for that. I think this is a task best left for the last minute. That way I have an excuse to be an even bigger basket case about this move.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Obama

Words I never thought that I would get the chance to utter. They just announced on NBC that Barack Obama won Florida passing the 270 electoral votes needed to take the presidency. I am proud of my fellow Americans this night, you have proved far more progressive than I had been giving you credit for. We now all need to have the faith that this is the change that America needs. Congratulations President Obama, may you prove the doubters wrong.

Get out and Vote

Make sure you Vote today. There is so much at stake for our country. Your voice is important so make sure it is heard.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A new place to call home

Boyfriend flew up to Seattle to last night to get things rolling at the new office and find us a place to live. We spent most of this past Saturday packing and scouring the web for apartments. We have found a few options that are looking pretty good. From what I have been told most people are priced out of the housing market so apartments go fast. I am hoping that he is able to find something nice, which I am sure he will because he does not want to live in a crap hole anymore than I do. Going back to apartment life is going to be a big adjustment for both of us…and actually living together is going to be an even bigger one.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Witchstock 2008

Last night was the Ripley's annual Halloween party, Witchstock. Every year they come up with a different theme, this years being current events/issues.

Our Hosts Brian and Robin as Tony Romo & Jessica Simpson

There was a great mix of people there and so many creative costume ideas. There was Sarah Palin, Crazy McCain rally lady and all manor of political references. There were two Amy Winehouse and Blake Civil-Fielder couples and both pulled it off really well. Hands down my favorite costume was of the West Texas Mormon Fundamentalists, which consisted of a husband and two sister wives. They had the dress and hair perfect. I wish I would have taken more photos of all the costumes, but I was too busy drinking beer.

Jeff and Nicole as Celebrity mug shots

Boyfriend and I dressed as a Mexican and a ICE agent and went as Illegal immigration. It was a costume that were threw together in about 20 minutes for about $20. I am glad that Boyfriend has a sense of humor and was willing to go along with it.

It was a great party and it was really good to see everyone. It made me a bit sad to think that this is the last Witchstock we are going to be at. It makes me think that we will have to start our own Halloween tradition up in Seattle.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Today it is going to be 75 degrees...ON HALLOWEEN...IN COLORADO! If you grew up in Colorado you will remember planning most of your costumes around your winter coat. I can't tell you how many times I was a clown because you could get a snowsuit on under the costume. Oddly this has nothing to do with the crippling fear of clowns I now have as an adult.

Boyfriend and I are staying home tonight to hand out candy...mostly because all the parties we are going to are tomorrow. As a rule of thumb I always buy candy that I won't mind eating. With it usually being in the 30's for Halloween the kids give up early and you are left with a bunch of candy. This year we only bought 2 large bags of candy. I am starting to question if that is going to be enough. I figure with the heat wave we are having that there are going to be a lot more roving hoards of costumed kids out for a high fructose corn syrup score.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Chapter 33

Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Birthday Dear Melinda

Today is my 33rd birthday. I am not anywhere close to where I thought I would be in my life at this point. Last week Boyfriend put it to me this way... "Think about reading a book that you love. There has been some twists and turns...some good and some bad. Then you turn the page and start chapter 33. You don't know what is going to happen, but you get the feeling that it is going to be the best one yet."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Birthday Cake

Tomorrow is my birthday. I am going to be 33 and figured I deserve some cake for making it this far. So I woke up early and baked a Red Velvet cake. I make it from a recipe of my mom's that she has had about as long as I have been alive. Hands down this is my favorite cake. It gets its name from obviously the deep red color...but also if you bake it correctly its velvety texture. If you bake it too long it gets very dry and crumbly...not good.

I was a bit tired this morning so I did not take the time to decorate it all fancy like I did with Boyfriend's Cake. I think it came out looking pretty good anyway.

Plus it matters more what it tastes like rather than what it looks like. After tasting this cake I have had several people ask for the recipe. I don't like to give it out...but if you badger me enough I will write it down for you, sans the 2 ingredients that makes this Red Velvet cake different from any other. Yeah I am one of those people. Just ask and I will make you a cake.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sleepless about Seattle

You can always tell how stressed I am by my sleep patterns and the length of my finger nails. It is 5:30 am on Saturday and I have already been up for more than an hour and my finger nails have been chewed down to the quick. Every thought I have turns to this impending move. In just 9 weeks I will be packing up the last of my things and moving to the Pacific Northwest.

I have such mixed emotions about leaving Colorado. I am excited and scared to death at the same time. When I think about leaving I think about all the things I have managed to not do in my 30 years of living here. I have never been to the Great Sand Dunes or Mesa Verde, I have never skied at Crested Butte. The list could go on forever. I guess not having done these things gives me incentive to come back to Colorado.

Boyfriend is going to be heading up ahead of me. He will be moving all of our belongings the week of thanks giving. I will then follow with the few things I have left here sometime between Christmas and New Years. I have furniture and belongings spread between my ex husband's house, Boyfriend's house and the house I am in now. The idea of consolidating all of these things into one place seems so daunting.

I have slowing started to tell friends that we will be leaving. Most are excited for us, happy to know that they now have a place to crash when they come up. Others have told me flat out that I can not leave. I have built up a really good group of friends over the last 2 years and I am going to miss them them dearly. But I also know that we will all kept in touch and visit whenever we can.

There are going to great strains on the relationship as we adjust to life in a new city and living together for the first time. We are both looking at it as it will only strengthen what we already have. Boyfriend and I both have so many demons here in Colorado. We are both looking at this move as a way of starting fresh.I need to keep in mind that this move is going to be a positive thing. I can so easily get caught in a web of what ifs.

I was looking for a project of sorts and I guess this is it. I am being given a second chance here to do all the things I have wanted to do but have been either too lazy or scared. There is nothing like being given a two handed Elaine shove out of your comfort zone to make you change your life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pancake Blaster

Text conversation I had with Jenn whilst on my way to work...

Me: Hey?

Jenn: Hey.

Me: Whats up?


Me: Going 2 work

Jenn: I am making pancakes with batter that comes out of a can like cheeze-wiz

ME: Hmmmmm...did not know they came that way

Jenn: Me either! Amazing what you will find at Costco. But unfortunately it is not called pancake-wiz like you might expect

Me: Still sounds yummy

Jenn: Jealous? You know you are

Me: I am

Jenn: AND it is organic.

Me: That is awesome

Jenn: Yes it is awesome

Me: It truly is

Jenn: You will have to come over to my house for pancakes...i have one more can of them left.

Good News?

As I mentioned here about a month ago, We have been waiting to find out if Boyfriend got a job up in Seattle. He gave me the news today...via email

Me: Due to stress and the office move I no longer have any fingernails left

Boyfriend: okay, you should not chew on your fingernails....chew on some gum....

Me: There are a lot of things I do that chewing gum won't cure.

Boyfriend: Hmmmm... Good thing that I don't stress to keep you balanced somewhat... imagine if we both stressed out all the time????

Me: I was not always like this...

Boyfriend: yea, we're going to have to break you out of that mold... before you start eating your fingers...

Me: Well...if people would stop giving me things to worry about.

Boyfriend: i can understand that. December 1.

Me: What is December 1?

Boyfriend: when my first day will probably be in Seattle.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dinner with Friends

Boyfriend is going to be away on my birthday weekend so he suggested that we go out for dinner last night. He had decided that he wanted to take me to my favorite sushi restaurant. He had wanted it to be a surprise, but having only been there with me once he could not remember the name of it and where is was located exactly. After asking many of our friends he had to break down and ask me. We very rarely go out on "date nights" so I was happy to have a reason to wear heals and lipstick.

Boyfriend was able to keep one thing a surprise though and had a few of our closest friends meet us there. I have an uncanny way of finding out about surprises and had even asked him earlier in the day if it was just going to be the two of us, so it was a very pleasant surprise to see them all there. It was a good evening of sushi, drinks and friends. Boyfriend was very sweet to set the whole thing up. After dinner Boyfriend and I went home, had a few more drinks and ended up dancing around the living room to 80's music in our underwear. It was the perfect way to end the night.

Musical Taste

I have it...Boyfriend does not. Okay that is not entirely fair. We have a lot of the same music in our respective itunes. But sometimes he gets into a groove and it is like he is a 14 year old girl. I am not too worried as of yet. It is when he starts listening to Hannah Montana that I will worry.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Project?

So I just finished reading Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, which has also apparently been made into a movie. Anyway it is a book about a secretary at a government agency who decides to cook her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child in one year. That is 524 french recipes in 365 days. The book is hilarious...I am talking laugh out loud funny. I was a bit sad when I finished it because it was like knowing you were not going to be able to talk to someone you have so much in common with anymore. It is nice to know that someone out there swears as much as I do. I am damn good at swearing. Not many people can utter an entire sentence using nothing but variations of the word fuck.

Example. "Fuck fuckity fuck fucker fuck fuck fucked FUCK".

I know it does not look like I said anything there...but truly it speaks volumes. Having the mouth of a Sailor is probably the only thing that Boyfriend does not find completely adorable about me.

So back on topic. I identified with so much of what Julie goes through. I am basically an over glorified secretary (that is operations manager to you) that is unhappy with my job. She has a loving supportive husband, I had a husband who's idea of being supportive was saying "yeah you should do that." Although now I have Boyfriend who is supportive to the point of being pushy like Julie's husband. There are more things we have in common but I am not giving a book report here.

So she decides to cook her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking as a project to pull herself out of the funk that she is in about turning 30, maybe having kids and her job. (Okay maybe I am giving a book report.) I am going to be 33 in a week and a half, I am divorced, childless and hate my job. So I got to thinking maybe I need a little ol' project of my own. I want something that is going to pull me out of myself. So internet (by internet I mean the 2 people that will actually read this) it you have any ideas let me know.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My First Broncos Game

A few weeks ago Boyfriend's friend Kelly offered him her Bronco's tickets. Boyfriend asked if I wanted to go and I jumped at the chance. I had never been to a football game. Now I am not just talking an NFL game, I had never been to any sort of football game. When you tell people this they look at you like you have been living under a rock. How can one be a Bronco fan, live in Colorado for 30 years and never have been to a game?!?!? Needless to say I was very excited!

In Colorado we had been having unseasonably warm weather. The last three weekends had been in the high 70's to low 80's. What a great way to spend a Sunday the sun watching football. That whole week the weather was great. Come Friday the temps had dropped about 30 degrees, a bit chilly, but still sunny. Saturday we woke to rain and a high of 38 degrees. I was starting to worry about what it would be like the next day. On Sunday we woke to gray skies, again highs would be in the 30's, but it was not raining. So we threw on the winter coats, gloves, hats and at the last second tossed a blanket in the backpack. We rode the lightrail down because we were too cheap to pay $30 to park, plus we did not want to deal with traffic. It was about a 25 minute ride to the stadium and the closer we got the more my excitement built.

It was a cool feeling walking into Invesco Field at Mile High for the first time. You could feel the excitement coming off of the fans. We got there a little bit earlier so that we could walk around a bit, get a few beers and get to our seats so we could watch the teams warm up. Pretty much the same MO we have for Baseball games.

The seats we had were on the 48 yard line...sounds great huh? Only down side was that they were in the 2nd to last row from the very top. The seating on the upper level go straight up at a pretty steep incline. You feel as if you are about a mile high (get it mile high...) and that if you lean too far forward that you will pitch straight down. Now I know it sounds like I am complaining...but I am not. The seats were actually great. What you are seeing in the pictures is how the people on the field actually looked.

If you have ever been to Invesco field you know it is the loudest place on earth. When the team took the field only about half the seats were filled, but the roar of the crowd made it sound like it full. Once everyone is in their seats the roar is almost deafening. But it is what you expect...the stadium was built to be the loudest in the NFL. Then there is the sound of "Rocky Mountain Thunder", this being the sound of 74, 000 fans pounding their feet on the steel floors every time the opposing teams offence begins a play. It was cold as hell and there was an icy, wet mist spitting from the sky, but we did not care.

So how did the Broncos play? They sucked! They started out strong, but you can not expect to win a game when you keep turning the ball over. So they didn't win, but we still had a great time. I really have to thank Boyfriend for treating me to my first football experience.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I think that it is only natural to want to sing Saturday Night by the Bay City Rollers when one thinks of Roller Derby. My Friend Tracy is a member of a dance team called The Belles who happen to be the cheerleaders for the Rocky Mountain Roller Girls. Tracy had invited us to come watch her team preform this past Saturday night. I had never been to a Roller Derby bout before and wanted to check it out. Boyfriend was totally game for coming along. I mean what guy can resist hot chicks in tiny school girl skirts on roller skates that may or may not get in a fight, then add cheerleaders on top of that.

art by Jay Vollmar

Once you figure out what is going on it is really easy to get caught up in the action. There was a diverse mix of people there and the crowd really gets into it. I found that by the end I was kind of wanting to join a roller derby team. I mean I can roller skate and I have a bunch of pent up aggression...what could be a better outlet. Plus I already own some of the necessary equipment.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In a word

As Snoopy would say...BLECH!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Love Notes

I have a bit of a thing for greeting cards. I have a drawer in my desk that is full of them. Birthday, Mother/Fathers Day, wedding, new baby, Valentines Day, thank you, etc, etc, etc. You name the occasion and chances are I have a card for it. They run from your plain old greeting card to cards that could be framed and displayed as art.

I was going through this drawer the other day looking for a birthday card when I noticed there were no fewer that 10 romantic type cards. Some are sweet and some are naughty, all were purchased with the intent of giving them to Boyfriend. Instead of jotting a quick note and signing them "Love, Melinda", I instead throw them into the drawer amongst the Happy Birthdays and Congratulations.

I am not sure why I don't give these cards to Boyfriend. I am a sappy romantic that holds on to cards and mementos of the things we have done together. Boyfriend is not romantic and I think I am afraid to give him a card that has how I feel spelled out. Maybe I am afraid that these expressed emotions would end up being thrown out. I am not sure if that says more about me than it does about him.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday night is football night

This is the 151st picture I took of Boyfriend while he was trying to watch Sunday night football in the dark.

This is the 152nd picture I took of Boyfriend while he was trying to watch Sunday night football in the dark.

I am not so sure that he was all that much into me blinding him in 10 second intervals.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Over Qualified

Tracy: How is your day today?

Me: It is going okay…just working on end of the month things. How is your day?

Tracy: I'm trying to figure out how to pull miracles out of thin air.

Me: Hmmmmmm…I was not aware that miracle worker was in your job description…

Tracy: Apparently it is.

Me: That must look really good on a resume.

Tracy: What's that? Miracle Worker?

Me: Yeah.

Tracy: Too bad that would sound so facetious on a resume huh?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

8:30 this morning

Boyfriend, Tracy and I went hiking near Kittredge this morning and stumbled upon some female mule deer. They stopped eating breakfast just long enough to pose for some photos. They seemed quite used to the paparazzi.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Waiting is the hardest part

A few weeks ago I eluded to some change on the horizon. It all had to do with the job that Boyfriend may or may not get up in Seattle. I know I said that that was no longer a possibility, but then it became a possibility again. The situation has been handled horribly. I won't go into detail, I will just say that is has been a nightmare.

So for the last 3 weeks we have been waiting to hear if he will get it. 3 weeks...sounds like a long time to wait for a answer huh? That's because it is and we have no idea when a final answer may come. So with the stress of this and my job, and all the things that are up in the air right now I feel like I am at a breaking point. I just need to know one way or the other.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So that thing I said about not hating my job so much...

Yeah I take that back.


The End.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Turning to gold

Went hiking on Kenosha Pass yesterday with my friend Tracy. It is a bit early in the season, but we were hoping to see some color. We were very happy to see that the aspens were indeed starting to turn. In the next couple of weeks the mountainsides will go from green to gold.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quick Note

There are certain things that I decided not to write about here and my job is one of them. But today I had a realization pertaining to my job that I thought note worthy. I have been thinking for the last 3 months that I hate my new job. I am either panic stricken or bored out of my mind...there has been no middle ground. Today was different somehow. I think that maybe, just maybe I don't hate my my new job as much as I thought I did. I think that things just might be starting to click. And that is all I am ever going to say about my job...probably.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tie it on

A few weeks ago I went with Boyfriend to pick out a new suit. While he was trying on a navy blue suit I was not going to let him buy I noticed this tie.

Normally I shy away from orange...but it reminded me of a kimono and I decided Boyfriend must buy it.

Boyfriend had other ideas...he wanted something in a stripe...maybe in red. So I did what anyone would do. I walked around the store sighing and pouting like a 5 year old until he bought the tie and the black (not navy) suit that I picked out. I am glad that Boyfriend and I were able to agree.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Never hurts to check the weather report

Boyfriend and I went to the Rockies game today. It was a gorgeous late summer day in Colorado...a balmy 80 degrees. When the weather is warm this late in the summer some people dress a bit inappropriately. There was an older woman sitting in front of us that could not have been more inappropriately dressed. You think you know where I am going with this...but you don't.

This woman was wearing black jeans, a black turtleneck sweater (that's right sweater and a turtleneck one to boot) and she had some sort of fur jacket. Oh did I mention it was in 80s today?

The girl sitting behind us put it best:

"What...did she think it was going to be 28 degrees?"

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The new 90210...I LOVE IT!

I mean how can you not love a show where one of the main charcters is obviously getting a blowjob in his car out in front of West Beverly High?!?!? The fact that they got Brenda to come back makes it all that much better. I think I found a new guilty that is even better than Murder She Wrote.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Apples to...well apples

Boyfriend: I Got you some big delicious red apples.

Me: What kind of red apples?

Boyfriend: You know...the delicious red ones...the ones you like.

Me: There are a lot of delicious apples that are red.

Boyfriend: But these are the delicious red ones you like.

Me: Ummmmmm...Do you mean Red Delicious apples?

Boyfriend: Yeah thats what I said.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I will find out on Friday if everything is going to change. My stomach is knots and I am not sleeping. I think it is some thing I want...need. I am excited and scared at the same time. I am not holding my breath but am keeping my fingers crossed.

More vague rambling to come...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Loudest cricket EVER!!!

A very loud cricket has taken up residence up Boyfriend's bedroom window. This thing is seriously a sleep disrupting menace! The past two nights said cricket has started chirping just about the time we go to bed. It's not the low chirping you hear in the background on cool summer nights...It is more like CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP...and did I mention CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP!!!

Male crickets chirp loudly to attract a mate. They also chirp loudly to repel other males. That being the case this cricket is that loud asshole you see in the bar flexing his muscles talking about how many chicks he is going to bang...oh and he is also a homophobe.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ear Danglies

I am a part time girlie girl. For the most part you daily uniform is jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of flip flops. Usually the only time I wear jewelry is to finish off an ensemble on the rare occasions that I do girl it up. I have started to wear earrings a bit more this year. Mostly because I have purchased 2 pairs that I love and wear as often as possible.

This first pair I got in Ojo Caliente, NM while on a spa retreat with a couple of girlfriends. I was instantly drawn to them and probably picked them up and put them down about 5 times before I finally bought them. They are made of ancient Greek glass. Depending on the light they give of a green/gold/blueish hue. They were $45, which is more than I would usually spend on earrings because I am super cheap. But I thought they were unique and I am glad I splurged on them.

This second pair I got down in Mexico. I saw them in a little shop near our hotel and would look at them longingly in the window every time we passed. They are sterling silver and are about the size of a silver dollar. I thought they we beautiful and I wanted them. So finally on the day before we left I went in to purchase them. They were priced at $120 USD. I of course could not bring myself to pay that for earrings...did I mention I am super cheap?

Boyfriend knew that I really wanted them so he sweet talked the shop girl down to $70. Still too rich for my blood so Boyfriend spoke with the girl a bit more. I am sure he said something like this..."I have a cheap gringo girlfriend who is weird about me buying her things. Do you think you could come down a tiny bit more on the price so I do not have to listen to her complain all the way home about how she wanted these earrings." I don't speak Spanish but am sure it went something like that.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I am an 80 year old woman

I am addicted to Murder She Wrote. There...I said it and I don't care who knows. Judge me if you must. It is actually a rather entertaining program and I find myself looking forward to it. I have reach a whole new level of lame.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Not Moving

Recently Boyfriend had interviewed for a job up in Seattle. We had been waiting on pins and needles to find out if he would get it and how our lives might be turned upside down. We found out today that he did not get the job. I am sad for Boyfriend because I know how disappointed he is. In some ways it is a relief that we are not going to have to pack up and move half way across the country. In other ways I am really bummed because I was looking forward to the chance to start over someplace new.

We had talked about the possibility of moving up there several times prior to him interviewing. This included what he would do with his house here and what would happen between us. He wanted me to come with him and of course I wanted to go...but under one condition. Now I am not an ultimatum type of girl...but I could not see following a guy across the country without some kind of commitment. I told Boyfriend as much and he said he understood. So when we got the news today I tried to cheer him up by telling him he was off the hook and no longer had to ask me to marry him.

The more I had thought about it the more I realized that I did not want him to ask me anyway, or at least not because that was the only way I would move to Seattle with him. When and if he asks me I want it to be because that is what he truly wants. And he better do it in a romantic way. I got the worlds worst proposal the first time around and look how that turned out. So Boyfriend if you ever read this remember that you need to plan something that is over the top romantic...oh and I am partial to this ring...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

During a conversation with Liza

Liza: So are you still dating Boyfriend?

Me: Yes

Liza: He's what again ... Latino ... ummmmm ... Hispan ... uhhhhhh ...Mexi ...?

Me: He is Mexican. It's okay, you can say it, it's not a bad word.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Boyfriend has been asking me to dye my hair pink for over a year. Everytime I head off to get my hair done he will ask if I am going pink and I always answer maybe. If you know me you know that when I say maybe I mean no. So after being disapointed so many times Boyfriend half heartedly asked if i would go pink "down there". I thought that might be fun, and after a little poking around on the internet I found Betty Beauty

Boyfriend liked the new dye job quite a bit, but was still not so secretly wishing for the curtains to match the carpet. This past weekend I wandered into a party store and found a pink wig made famous by a certain out of her mind pop star. All I can say is had known that having pink hair would garner the response I got from Boyfriend, I would have gone pink a long time ago!!!

He calls her Frenchie...she is how you

Friday, August 1, 2008


In 1902 a record was set for 16 consecutive days of +90 degree weather. We broke that record 2 days ago. I know there are places that are hotter...but for here it is fucking hot. The freon in my truck ran out some time back in April. At the time it was not a big deal. I finally broke down and had it recharged. I ended up paying more than I wanted (I am so cheap I hate paying for anything that costs more than $5.00) but once I got in my truck and felt that icy cold air...awe yeah so worth it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


My sister Rebecca got into town last night from Sun Valley, Idaho. Now that we are adults we have a very close relationship. When we were kids that was not the case. Okay that is not entirely true, we were very close until she turned 12 and realized how uncool little sisters were. There are about 5 years in between us and those 5 years really made a difference until I was about 22. Until then we really did not have much to do with one another. I am not sure what changed between us but I am really glad that we have the relationship that we do...or had once she sees the picture I am posting.

Rebecca circa 1987

Friday, July 25, 2008

Rock on Gold Dust Woman

This has always been my favorite by the Dave Matthews Band. Such a pretty little song, so raw and lovely. My favorite version is from the 2002 show at Folsom Field...

I recently stummbled upon a Stevie Nicks cover of Crash. Everything she touches turns to gold.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Went camping with our friends Dan and Wendy this past weekend at Selkirk off of Boreas Pass Road. It is a tiny little 15 spot camp ground. We don't stay in the actual camp ground, but continue down Gold Dust Trail about a mile or two until we find a spot that looks nice. Now we are car campers, we have to be. I don't enjoy camping all that much so this is the only way Boyfriend is getting me out into the woods. Now we don't spend our days out hiking, mountain biking or enjoying the wild around us. No we sit around drinking beer and keeping our fire burning in bonfire type proportions.

The thing I like the most about car camping is that the food is so much better. Now I am not saying that you can't have a good meal when packing everything into the woods. But when we camp we eat like this.

There is something about camping that really brings out Boyfriends manly side, exhibited here...

Don't let the super faded tapered leg jeans fool you...he is extremely sexy. I tried to get rid of those jeans many times, but Boyfriend assured me that he would only wear them when we were out in the woods.

I do love the fact the I can get Boyfriend to pose just about any way I want him to. He is such a good sport.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Awe...but he is such a cute puppy

My friend Jenn recently rescued a great dane puppy. I got a text from her recently that make me think that things are not going so smoothly.

Jenn: Zues ate my red asian satin mules

Me: That sux! Those were cool shoes.

Jenn: I know. In their honor we will eat asian for dinner.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


While in Newport I wanted to do touristy things...see the mansions, visit a few vineyards, see the church where JFK and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier were married, and of course eat a whole lobster.

So on Saturday after a long day of seeing the sights we ran into the visitor information center to get our parking validated and asked for recommendations of where to go for dinner. Seeing as we were not really dressed for dinner and we had no reservations we were pointed in the direction of the Landing at the end of Bowen‘s Wharf . We walk in and are seated right away on an outside patio overlooking the pier. We order cocktails, some crab cakes and sit back to enjoy the live music as the sun is beginning to set.

While waiting for our drinks we perused the menu a bit, but I knew what I was having...the Lobster. I was a bit nervous when I saw the words market price. These lobsters averaged 2-3 lbs, in Colorado market price on a lobster that size is going to run you well over a 100 bucks. Turns out market price on a giant lobster in Newport is 40 bucks. Boyfriend ordered the broiled scallops in a wine citrus butter and we agreed to share.

I am excited because I have never had lobster prepared this way. And then out comes the food. Boyfriend dives right into the scallops, which had to be over 2 inches in diameter. I just sat there staring at my lobster wondering how in the world am I supposed to eat this thing. Images of the dinner scene from the movie Splash are running through my head. I decide the best course of action is to just dive in. Now for those of you that have had this experience know that there is no lady like way to go about dismantling a giant sea bug. One thing you don't think about is that your dinner still has all of it's insides. This is something I realize after forgoing the provided bib. Surprisingly I am able to walk out of there not covered in lobster guts.

(Lobster is much larger than it appears, photo does not do it justice)

It is true that seafood on the coast is way better than anything you can get in middle America. Everything we had was phenomenal. It was a perfect date night...drinks, great seafood, live music, a beautiful sunset and the first unsolicited "I love you" from Boyfriend. What more could a girls ask for.

I was very happy, see take a look...

...or maybe it was the 5 Long Island ice teas!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Boyfriend and I are sitting on the plane in Providence waiting to push back from the gate. Our Captain comes on and says that we have a weather delay due to winds in Chicago. I look at Boyfriend as we both narrow our eyes and and hiss "Chicago" ala Jerry Seinfeld saying Newman.

I have flown all around the world and every missed connection, every delay, every lost bag...Chicago. Now I am not bashing the City itself, it is my hometown after all. I am just not sure what the deal is with O'Hare. It is the place where even the best laid travel plans are smashed to bits. If I am going to have a problem traveling there is a 99.5% chance it is going to happen there.

So the hour delay in Providence means we will miss our connection to Denver. We hope to get lucky and our connecting flight will also be delayed. We arrive in Chicago with a whole 7 minutes to run across the terminal and board the next plane. Our bags won't make it but at least we won't get stuck in Chicago. We thought we got lucky...we should have known better.

The plane is full with 254 passengers eagerly waiting to get on our way. 10 minutes go by, then 20. The purser keeps making announcements, something about a mechanical problem, no big deal and we should be on our way shortly. Then the lights in cabin come back on. I turn to Boyfriend and jokingly say that they are going to make us get off this plane. No sooner is that last word out of my mouth than the purser comes back on to announce that we are going to have to deplane due to a dented wing and tail. A small part of me is thinking better safe than sorry while the other much larger part is thinking O'Hare has struck again.

Once back in the gate area we are told that we they will continue to work on the aircraft we were on while trying to get us a back up. They are hoping to have us on our way by 9:30 PM, a little over an hour and a half delay, not too shabby. So we sit down and wait, and wait and wait. Several hours and announcements later we are able to reboard at 12:30 am. We arrive in Denver at 2:30 am, a full 5 hours late. Silver lining is that we got home safe...although I will venture to say that working 11 hours today on only 2.5 hours of sleep really sucked balls.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gigidy, Gigidy All Right

I am headed out to Rhode Island tomorrow to see Boyfriend who has been out there for the past 2 weeks on "business". Having not ever been to Rhode Island the only frame of reference I have is the fictional town of Quahog on the Family Guy. I wonder how many of the men will have chins that look like testicles...

Peter Griffin, Family Guy

Monday, July 7, 2008


While getting ready yesterday this song came on the radio. I remembered the song, but not the last time I heard it. I suddenly got the overwhelming urge to dance around the room in my underwear...and I acted on that urge.

Love the ski goggles...queso puro.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wasting away again...

This past January me, Boyfriend and my friend Tracy started meeting at Red Rocks on Saturday mornings to run the stairs. Back in January there would about 10 of us out there dragging out frozen asses up and down the ice covered stairs in subzero temps and blowing snow. As the weather warmed the number of people increased. Now on an average Saturday you are working out with over 100 people. Through out all types of weather Tracy and I rely on Boyfriend to push us beyond our limits. As he says..."Pain is just weakness leaving the body".

Due to certain obligations Boyfriend is not always there to yell at us to do more push ups, crunches, lunges and squats after running the equivalent of 200 flights of stairs. On these weekends Tracy and I will sometimes stop at the Morrison Inn for margaritas, thus negating all the hard work we just put in on the stairs.

This past Saturday as we stroll out on to the patio, still a bit sweaty from our work out, we notice that there are about 10 other stair regulars there as well. We take our seats and order our margaritas. We opt for the 12 oz rather than the 32 oz that the others are drinking. We all sit and look at each other guiltily over the salt covered rims of our glasses...but must reward ones self for a job well done.

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4th

Happy Independence Day America!

Wishing you all a safe and happy 4th of July.

If you get the chance today thank a member of the military past or present. They truely make our country "the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dinner Time

I was out taking a walk around the neighborhood yesterday evening, something I have not done since losing Murphy. As an adult there is one thing that I love about taking walks around this time, the smell of dinner being cooked. I remember as a kid we knew that these wonderful smells drifting from houses were a sign that it was time to head home and wash up. During the winter it meant you were in for the night, but in the summertime you had at least 2 more hours of day light. These smells bring back good memories from when I was a kid, and make me miss my walks with The Murph...but mostly they just make me hungry.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Not Cool

Oh...just for the record...aviator sunglasses do not make you look as cool as you think.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


English is Boyfriends second language. He learned to speak english while living in Texarkana. Luckily the spanish accent stuck and he lost the twang...although get enough drinks in him and the twang comes back. Every now and again he gets caught up on his words.


"Oooooooooh...there's a Chubby's"


"What do you mean where you drive by here all the time"

"Well sometimes I am not that absorbent Melinda"