This is my bathrobe. It is just a plain old white terrycloth robe…and I LOVE IT! I was talking to my mom this morning about Christmas gift ideas and she tells me about this bathrobe she was thinking about getting me. She was going on about how soft it was when I cut her short and asked why she thought I would want a new bathrobe. She replied “well Melinda take a look at the one you have”. Sigh. This is not the first time I have had this conversation about “The Bathrobe”. It was a Christmas gift from my mother. Other than my frequent requests for a pony, I usually ask for practical gifts. Other than socks and underwear I cannot think of a gift more practical than a bathrobe. So in 1992 I got a white terrycloth bathrobe for Christmas…and it was PERFECT. I have worn it everyday since for the last 17 years. I am not well versed in the lifespan of a bathrobe, but for what I am told mine is way past its prime and it is time for a new one. About six years ago my ex-husband went so far as to by me this bathrobe from Hammacher Schlemmer. I will say it was a very nice bathrobe…I mean it should be as it costs $120. I treated it the way I treated most things I did not think I needed. I shunned it. I had a perfectly good robe why did I need a new one that weighed 45lbs? That was one thing I had no problem letting him keep when we got divorced. Now granted my bathrobe has seen better days. There is a hole in the back of the neck where it hangs… While the right pocket is fine… The left one not so much. And maybe it has become a bit thin. Like I said; I love it. 17 years is not so old when you really think about it. Maybe once it hits 20 I will think about getting a new one…but I doubt it. |
Bran muffins
1 week ago
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