For the most part Husband is very easy to live with. He is clean, manages to get his clothes into the hamper, puts the toilet seat down, and doesn’t snore too much. There is only one thing that he does that really bugs the crap out of me. Husband is a middle of the tube tooth paste squeezer. For the past year I have tried to break him of this but to no avail. In the grand scheme of things this is a small issue…but it drives me crazy. Like want to stab his face off crazy. I know that when I walk into our bathroom tonight to brush my teeth there is going to be a big ol’ dent in the middle of tube with the tooth paste squished to either side. Chances are that Husband will already be snuggled into bed so I will have to make a big show of squeezing the tooth paste back towards the tip of the tube…you know just to show him for the millionth time how it is done. He will then give me one of his ‘Dios mio woman you are LOCO’ looks. This one implies ‘give it up because no matter how many times you do that I am always going to squeeze the tooth paste from the middle’. |
Bran muffins
1 week ago
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