Friday, October 31, 2008


Today it is going to be 75 degrees...ON HALLOWEEN...IN COLORADO! If you grew up in Colorado you will remember planning most of your costumes around your winter coat. I can't tell you how many times I was a clown because you could get a snowsuit on under the costume. Oddly this has nothing to do with the crippling fear of clowns I now have as an adult.

Boyfriend and I are staying home tonight to hand out candy...mostly because all the parties we are going to are tomorrow. As a rule of thumb I always buy candy that I won't mind eating. With it usually being in the 30's for Halloween the kids give up early and you are left with a bunch of candy. This year we only bought 2 large bags of candy. I am starting to question if that is going to be enough. I figure with the heat wave we are having that there are going to be a lot more roving hoards of costumed kids out for a high fructose corn syrup score.

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